The 19th of May 1999 saw another successful Installation night with Bro. Peter James Ryner S.W. installed as Worshipful Master by Worshipful Brother Michael Guray as Installing Officer and now I.P.M.; Rt.Wor.Bro. Ian Henry Pike AM, P.D.G.M. represented the Most Worshipful Grand Master on the night and here he is presenting our newly Installed W.M. with his Installed Masters Certificate:
After serving 2 consecutive years as
Master, Wor.Bro. Guray handed over the gavel to Wor.Bro. Peter
Ryner. Wor.Bro. Guray was presented with a Bar to his Past
Master's Jewel by V.Wor.Bro. Tony Brookes DGIW.
On the Saturday after his Installation, W.Bro. Peter Ryner had his first official outing with a fraternal visit for the Installation of W.Bro. John Warms as the Worshipful Master of Lodge Woollahrah.
July was Installation night at Lodge Mark Owen and it was a pleasure to see V.W.Bro. Leon Simon install his son Julian into the chair of King Solomon.
The Worshipful Mater wishes to thank those brethren who supported these and other fraternal visits.
Sick & Absent Brethren
We wish to send a special 'GET WELL' to W.Bro. Bill Anderson, our Tyler, who is in the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital at Camperdown. If you are in the area please drop in and say hello.
To our other sick and absent brethren we wish a speedy recovery and return to lodge
Yours fraternally,