The Lodge meets on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of each MONTH at the BONDI
MASONIC CENTRE, the Lodge Tyles at 7:30 p.m. ************************* Wednesday 15th July 2009 FIRST DEGREE Mr
Ben Nickolovski will be Initiated to the First Degree. There is a dining fee of $10.00 per person for the Festive Board. All brethren are welcome. Please let us know that you are coming and/or you if you require a Kosher Meal. Please contact Wor Bro Harry Brunner WM on 0407 065 311 or e-mail Wor Bro Michael Guray DC: Let us know if you are coming to assist us with catering. NOVEMBER 2006 ‘Mark Man Ceremony’ What a great night
it was! 39 Masons were present and Lodge Harold Herman Unity No.428, conducted the ceremony. Wor Bro. Josh
Heymann was assisted by Members of
Lodge Harold Herman Unity and also Members of The Lodge of Tranqillity.
Bro. Michael Levenston did a terrific job as SD and of course a big thanks to
our DGIW V.Wor.Bro. Peter Deubler who was the active Candidate on the night. To those who are
now Mark Men, congratulations, to those who are still resisting this new
ceremony, tough luck, you missed out on a fantastic night. ************************* SEPTEMBER 2006 – CONFERRED GRAND RANK Congratulations to our DC, who, at the September Grand
Lodge Communication held in Wagga Wagga, has received Conferred Grand Rank from
the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT, and has the Rank
of Very Worshipful Brother Raymond A. Leonzini PDGDC (Past Deputy Grand
Director of Ceremony). Raymond is the first Member of the Lodge to receive
Conferred Grand Rank since 1985 when our late Secretary VWor Bro Neville H.
Milston PDGDC and our highly esteemed brother, the late VWor Bro. Bennie
Rossen PDGDC received the same honour. With
a Tranquillian Fraternal Visit to Lodge Harold Herman Unity No.428 for the
Installation of Wor Bro Mark Werman, the Deputy Grand Master, RWor Bro. Dr.
Gregory Levenston presented VWor Bro Raymond Leonzini with his ‘Certificate
of Conferred Rank’. OCTOBER 2005 - DGIW IN THE ROYAL ARCH Congratulations to our
DC, Wor Bro Raymond Leonzini, who has been appointed by the First Grand
Principal of the ************************* FEBRUARY 2000 - 125th ANNIVERSARY MEETING In the month of February 2000 on Wednesday the 16th, The Lodge of Tranquillity celebrated it's 125th Year Anniversary as a Past Masters Night. The lodges Foundation Meeting was held on the 11th February 1875. To mark the anniversary two Candidates, Bros Michael Jaeger and Sheridan Zantis, were Initiated into Freemasonry and RWor Bro John Armfield Deputy Grand Master was in attendance with a big entourage of Grand Lodge Officers. In all there were almost 80 brethren in attendance both at the ceremony and at the Festive Board where a great night was had by all. ************************* MAY 2000 MEETING Our
Installation held on the 17th MAY 2000 was attended by The Grand Master MWor
Bro George Curry and was accompanied by 20 Grand Officers for the
Re-Installation of Wor Bro Peter All up there were 60 Brethren in attendance and it was a most enjoyable evening. 7 Entered Apprentice Freemasons who were in attendance were presented to The Grand Master and he presented each one with a Masonic Lapel Pin.
************************* CATERING Where possible we use Local businesses such as
Big Johns Pizza Bondi and ************************* If you would like your say 'To the Ed', a new page will be added in the near future. So send in your TYPED letters or you can Email your letter to the 'Ed ' at ************************* |